If you missed it last week, my new book “Choosing Happiness” which is an anthology with an amazing group of women hit NO 1 on five different lists on Amazon. We even out performed ”Ruby” which is Oprah’s top pick this month and Tony Robbin’s new book. It was such an exciting day watching this baby work its way up. Here is the link to Amazon if you didn’t grab your copy yet. >>> //amzn.to/1CoUbMG
But in the middle of all this excitement, I had a battle going on in my head. As good as life can be, there will always be challenges sneaking around the corner.
It hit me like a lightning bolt that I am carrying some old crap around. This stuff is actually influencing my perception of the present moment. I physically feel like something heavy is on my shoulders. So I stopped everything and just sat with what I was feeling.
After about thirty minutes of just paying attention to my breath and the way my body felt, these thoughts started to emerge. I was feeling resentment, I was carrying judgment and I had the need to be right. These are three of the most significant blocks to inner peace and real joy.
I was thinking who me? Yes that mini me, the voice of the ego that I call Louise was screaming in my head. The big conscious me, know better Mal was thinking that I am way too smart to get trapped in such a negative mindset. While the inner battle was going on, I was finding myself trapped in the middle of all this mind clutter.
I know how to clear resentment and judgment through meditation and journaling. Also being a practitioner of the Course in Miracles has done wonders. However I couldn’t shake that feeling, that need to prove to myself that I was right about something that had happened. The more I contemplated the issue, the more agitated I became. Holy crap, I was right!
So do I let these poisonous self-righteous thoughts sicken my state of happiness? Hell no, I needed to take affirmative action. I created affirmations around my struggle and repeated them to myself throughout the day. I wrote in my gratitude journal and expressed appreciation for that sixth sense of mine that shows up every now and then. My attachment to my thoughts started to soften. I was able to envision a more realistic perception than the one I was clinging to.
I know when this inner mental battle starts whipping me around, I have to step up and make a conscious choice to think differently, to think about being happy.
I can focus on being right or I can pull my vibration up and get in alignment with what I really want. I understand fully that what I put my attention on will show up in my physical experience. So this girl is choosing to stay with what feels better. The best part of this entire process is the situation is no longer controlling how I feel. I worked through it and actually decided to take a much more empowering path that will get me where I need to be.
So the big lesson here, is continue to Choose Happiness, it really works.
Love and Live Faithfully,
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Mal Duane is a Best Selling Author and Personal Life and Recovery Coach who has overcome life challenges using the steps in the Alpha Chick Process. Her personal mission is to help women excel in all areas of their lives from business to personal relationships. Mal has been featured with Fox 25 Boston Morning Show, CBS Radio, Aspire Magazine, Healthy Living and Metrowest Daily News. She has also been a featured guest on over one hundred Blogtalk Radio shows discussing recovery and personal transformation.
Mal’s book, Alpha Chick, Five Steps for Moving from Pain to Power, is a best selling book and is available on Amazon.com.