A Letter To My Wounded Sisters

You are not alone!

I, too, have walked the path of pain, shame and self-condemnation.

I know what it’s like to wake up every day paralyzed by guilt and shame over your past mistakes. I know what it’s like to feel fearful of how you will make it through yet another day. I know what it’s like to feel as if you are suffocating with anxietyabout your life and the circumstances you are currently experiencing. I know what it’s like to feel unlovable, unworthy and unable to move forward. I know what it’s like to continually repeat self-sabotaging behaviors in an attempt to run away from yourself.

Until I discovered the path to Self-Love, Self-Compassion and Inner Peace

I can tell you from personal experience that there IS another path.  It IS possible to release the shackles of shame, pain, guilt and self-condemnationand recapture the self-love, self-compassion and inner peace that you yearn for and that you deserve.

At one time or another, we’ve all sat transfixed as Oprah or Ellen introduced yet another inspiring woman who had overcome seemingly insurmountable odds to heal her story, transform her life and is now living her truth.

I am one of those women and so are you my sister.  As I share those worlds is your old script kicking in?  “Oh, Mal you just don’t know what I’ve (gone through, done, experienced…). I can’t possibly be one of ‘those women’.”  As someone who has walked the walk, continues to do the work and passionately supports other women in doing the same allow me share this powerful truth with you…

The mistakes o​f your past DO NOT MATTER!

"Your past does not define the truth of who you are.

YOU, my beautiful sister, are not the sum of your mistakes or your self-perceived shortcomings. 

YOU are so much more than the stories, shame and guilt that you continue to burden yourself with. It’s time to release those shackles and embrace the truth of who you are – a feminine powerhouse of love, strength and resiliency here to shine your divine light. "

The Common Thread that Weaves our Healing Stories Together

Over the last twenty plus years of my own Life Recovery journey, as well as speaking with hundreds of women also on the path of self-discovery, healing and owning their truth, I discovered a common thread throughout each woman’s story of healing and recovery.The Common Thread that Weaves our Healing Stories Together 

Though each of their journey’s and life circumstances varied greatly, from issues such as alcoholism to domestic violence; from being single welfare mom to struggling with eating disorders or other self-sabotaging behavior; I discovered a powerful common denominator that led to their healing.

The common thread woven through each woman’s story was the PIVOTAL MOMENT she awakened to and accepted the truth of her inner voice’s whisper that there was another way to experience life.

In that intimate moment of deep knowing and acceptance, even when the how-to’s or next steps remained a mystery, each woman described an experience of being intuitively led to stepping onto a new path – the path of recovering the life they were meant to live.

You Already Hold the Key to Long-Lasting Healing

Like you, and many other women, I spent much of my life searching outside myself for love, validation, acceptance, happiness and inner peace.  I discovered what so many women on the path ahead of me already had.  What I had been searching and yearning for all those years was always within my reach – but I had been looking in the wrong direction. The key to life recovery, inner healing and transformation begins when we turn inward. As you’ve most likely discovered, long-lasting healing, happiness and inner peace cannot be found outside of ourselves.

I understand that in this very moment, due to layers of pain and self-doubt, you may be unable to believe in or envision the sacred path that will lead you to living a life of self-love, self-compassion and inner peace – I promise you it is there.  A beautiful illuminated path is waiting for you, hidden under the layers of unworthiness, shame and guilt that you’ve been carrying for so long. (Read Symptoms that You are Disconnected from Your Truth) You are here on this page, in this moment, because you are ready to heal and step onto a new path one that leads to inner healing and transformation.

A Compassionate Guide and an Outstretched Hand 

There comes a time in all our lives when accepting an outstretched hand can forever change the trajectory of our life.  Today, I extend my hand to you and invite you to step onto the path of healing and transformation and reclaim the life you desire and deserve.  You don’t have to do it alone.  We all need someone to hold our hand, remind us of the truth of who we are, help us break down the walls we have built around our heart and help us process and release the old stories. I would be honored to be your compassionate guide on your life recovery path.  If my message resonates with your truth, I invite you to schedule a Discovery Session with me.

I leave you with a powerful quote from visionary spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson:

“When a woman conceives her true self, a miracle occurs and life around her begins again.”

~ Marianne Williamson

Live Faithfully,
Mal Duane