“One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is the realization that
no matter how far down the wrong path you may travel,
you always have the choice to turn around.”
~ Mal Duane
You are a feminine powerhouse of love, strength and above all, resiliency.
Starting now, your days of waking up haunted by past mistakes, worried about your future and paralyzed by fear are over.
This is a new beginning for you.
And I’m here to guide you every step of the way.
I’m Mal Duane, and I know how you may feel. How do I know? Because I have been where you are, disappointed in what life had given me and longing for a chance to be the happy, vibrant woman I wished I could be.
My own story reads like a Lifetime movie!
I’ve experienced all of it.
However, I made it through…and so can you.
I’ve spent the last 20+ years speaking with hundreds of women searching, as I did, for the secret to self-discovery, healing and owning their truth.
Although everyone’s story is different, there was one common thread in these conversations, a powerful common denominator that lead to healing.
Each woman had a PIVOTAL MOMENT in which she started listening to her inner voice, finally accepting its truth that there was another, better way to experience life.
In that intimate moment of deep knowing and acceptance, even when the next steps remained a mystery, each woman described an experience of being intuitively led to stepping onto a new path – the path of recovering the life they were meant to live.
This moment is waiting in the wings for you. You only need to learn to listen for it!
In other words,
You already hold the key healing and releasing your past so you can build your empowered, happy, fulfilling future!
Like many of us, I spent much of my life searching outside myself for love, validation, acceptance, happiness and inner peace. What I ultimately discovered, though, was that I had been looking in the wrong direction!
The key to life recovery, inner healing and transformation begins when we turn inward.
I understand that in this very moment, due to layers of pain and self-doubt, you may be unable to envision the sacred passage that will lead you to living a life of self-love, self-compassion and inner peace – I promise you it is there.
(Read Symptoms that You are Disconnected from Your Truth)
You are here on this page, in this moment, because you are ready to heal and step onto a new path – one that leads to inner healing, transformation and long-awaited JOY!
You don’t have to do this alone.
From time to time we all need someone to hold our hand, remind us of the truth of who we are, help us break down the walls we have built around our heart and support us as we process and release our old stories.
I would be honored to be your compassionate guide on your life recovery path.
If my message resonates with your truth, I invite you to schedule a Discovery Session with me.