You are in a committed relationship than out of nowhere the other person’s behavior throws you off balance. You are not even sure what to make of it. You keep asking yourself where did that come from? What did I do to deserve that?
There is no one on this planet that can put you into a tail spin faster then the self-absorbed, overly judgmental and slightly bored with you narcissist. It almost seems like they come out of nowhere after having molded themselves into the exact person you wanted to be in a relationship with. Scary-oh ya!
We have all known one; I admit I have known a few. When they get through spinning their story and putting all the blame on you, you don’t know if you’re coming or going. Don’t even bother to ask yourself how did you miss this. The narcissist is way too clever and makes sure he has you securely where he wants you before he starts the big reveal.