Do You Know About the Amazing Power of Prayer?
Here we are at the beginning of 2020, a year that is guaranteed to bring about a lot of change. This coming year is a time to experience all you have been working on for the past several years.
I think you know by now that I’m always looking for new practices and modalities that help women manifest their heart’s desires. Well, I’ve come across something really fascinating!
The incredible vibration of prayer.
I’m not talking about the prayer you learned in Sunday school when you were a kid. I’m talking about open, flowing prayer. Actually, it’s more like a love song. My glorious teacher Janet Conner has introduced me to a whole new concept of prayer. It’s not predicated on religion, it’s love, it’s a dance and it’s a powerful vibration.
Do you want to manifest something? Then pray and ask for it. Do you want to be more creative? Then pray and allow your creativity to ooze out of you. Prayer opens the portal to universal powers.
I always thought prayer was about trying to make things right, to forgive us for sin. My Catholic upbringing made it feel like a mandatory practice. The prayer I do now is spontaneous because I am inspired. I want to feel that divine connection to source.
By tweaking your prayer practice, you can unleash your desires!
My guest on Awakening Divine Wildness this week, Janet Conner, teaches you how to access theta brain waves in the brain so you can experience more meaningful prayer and deeper soul journaling. This episode of the podcast is so jammed packed with information that we ran about ten minutes over!
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Mal: Well today I am honored because I’m going to get to share with you someone who’s been a tremendous influence in my life. She’s my beautiful sacred teacher that I do so many classes with. I’ve learned so much from this woman. I feel like I’m walking down a spiritual path and she’s holding my hand and it’s time that I share her with all of you.
[00:00:33] Janet Conner is a Prayer Artist. She’s a deep soul explorer and a Field Guide in the Mystic. Her first book ‘Writing Down Your Soul’ became a best-seller opening a path to six more including ‘The Lotus and the Lily’ which is my favorite, ‘Soul Vows’ and ‘Find Your Soul’s Purpose’. When Prayer Artists came calling, Janet found herself writing a whole new genre of post-patriarchal prayers, redefining prayer altogether and leading radically different Prayer Intensives. She completed the six-year run of her highly successful radio show, ‘The Soul Directed Life’ to create a new kind of podcast, ‘Praying at the Speed of Love’. Inviting famous people to share intimate stories about their prayer lives. To make all this possible, Janet lives a quiet life filled with silence, solitude, and joy in the tiny town of Horizon, Florida on the Gulf of Mexico.
Oh my beautiful teacher, I’m so happy you’re with me today. And beautiful books of yours that I love, love, love and so vows, yes wonderful books but this is my favorite. And I’m doing the course for the third time this year and gearing up to do my beautiful sacred mandala for 2020 and I’m so excited about doing that. I’m going to start on the 31st and finish my project on the first.
[00:02:22] But Janet, you have touched my life in a way that very few people have. You have left a lasting imprint on my soul and very few people do that. And so, it’s just, you had to be here, I just had to have you on. And I know how busy you are with prayer intensive and you’ve got a new course coming out in January, I may have been the first person to sign up if not, I was the second. And you know On Theta, getting into deep Theta and so we’re going to talk about that today. But what inspired your journey? I mean, girl, all of this came about because you were on a crash and burn path from a violent terrific divorce. So share a little of what inspired all of this and then we’ll get into the good stuff.
Janet Conner: [00:03:19] Well and maybe that’s why you and I are such sisters is, that the worst thing that ever happened to you and at the time it’s happening and for you and I, it was a divorce. But somebody else, it could be a cancer diagnosis, it could be a bankruptcy, it could be a death in the family, and it could be an addicted child or love of your life, yeah, right? That truck is going to hit us, especially women in some way and of course while you’re going through it you’re fit to be tied, can’t see through the weeds but at the same time, even though you’re not aware of it, it’s the best thing that ever happened to you. [00:04:02]: It’s the Divine Feminine giving you a little kiss on the cheek and saying, “right this way honey, right this way. The way you’ve been living, what you’ve been doing, you’re pretty miserable right? Okay, come on I’m clearing the decks, so that you can have the life you’re here to live.” And that’s what happened in my divorce. Everything disappeared, all my clients, the house, the money, I mean everything in the [Inaudible 04:25 – 04:26].
[00:04:26] And out of just desperation, I picked up one of these plain black journals, picked up a pen and started a conversation not knowing what I was doing at all. I get no credit for inventing deep soul writing. I just picked up a pen and for reasons known only to the Divine, instead of just starting to write, I addressed someone. And in those days I wrote “Dear God comma (,).” So, right away I was starting this different way of journaling, not talking to myself but having a conversation was some kind of divine presence which is kind of step one and deep soul writing, addressed this voice that is within you by name. And after about a week of bitching and moaning and yelling and screaming and basically vomiting onto the page, I guess I got sick of hearing my story. And I know once again, no book, no training, no nobody telling me what to do, I simply asked a question.
And I guess in the first week, I hadn’t bothered to ask any questions, I was just letting “Dear God” whoever that fool was, know how bad things were and excuse me, you should be paying a little more attention here, I was just complaining. And one day I asked a question, now I’m upset, I’m emotionally upset and so I’m writing very, very quickly which I now know and teach is a fabulous way to get a head of conscious mind. Because if you’re writing very slowly then you’re well trained mental processes will kind of look at what you’re writing and start giving you advice and you’ll start going back over the same old and the same old in the same old. But if you’re writing really, really fast, then you give kind of ahead of your ability and your brain kind of gets left behind and pow! Something popped onto the page and I dropped the pen because I knew, no filter, right? You’re, you’re out of your way.
So I slowly, it took me three years of arguing with this voice on the page but I began to trust and I showed up every day. Every day, “Dear God comma (,), and I’d do some complaining and then I’d ask a question and without fail, the question were to listen something that, I didn’t write it. I know I didn’t write it because it was rich and beautiful and loving and kind and it was about forgiveness. How it, oh no, no, no, no, there will be no forgiveness here. I want you to punish that jerk!
[00:07:14] Well, so like I said, three years of arguing, the second I wrote a prayer forgiveness, POW! Everything changed! It changed so dramatically that my ex-husband, and I found out later the timing, this is all in writing down your soul. Immediately upon my writing this prayer of forgiveness which he couldn’t have known anything about, he contacted his life insurance company, reinstated his life insurance, named me the beneficiary and died. So all I can say it’s the worst thing that ever happened to me it was the best thing that ever happened to me and it gave birth to me.
[00:07:57] But prior to that I was a headhunter. It gave birth to somebody who writes these books, teaches these courses, it prepared the way for Lotus and Lily. It prepared the way for waking up last year and clearly hearing in my left ear, Prayer Artist. Prayer Artist? Even in the middle of the night, I, my stomach when, [giggling]. I didn’t know what a Prayer Artist was but I had never heard of it and I was pretty sure that whatever this was it was about to change everything.
[00:08:27] So the next morning I came downstairs, I picked up a pen, I now write to the Divine Feminine under the name, “Beloved Vibration of Sophia.” And now I was crying and I said “I don’t know what this Prayer Artist mean but I’m pretty sure that it changes everything.” So I’m crying but I’m in communion, I’m in this deep state which I now know is in the Mystical Theta brainwave state. And I just wrote, “But if you want me to be your Prayer Artist, I will be your Prayer Artist.”
[00:09:03] Immediately the first prayer came through. And they just came and they just come. They come in the middle of the night, they come when I’m writing, they just come. This is not my planning anything but I am obedient and it did change everything. It changed, now I offer Prayer Intensives, I did have to end this old directed life. I love that show, you love that show, everybody loved that show. But, oh praying at the speed of love! Having famous authors talk to you about their prayer lives, their intimate lives, you cannot have more fun than this. So I said, “Yes! You want me to be your Prayer Artist? I’m your Prayer Artist.” But then you know what Mal? I went online one day and I went, you know, “wonder if there’s a Prayer Artist?” right? And I googled Prayer Artist. How many billions of searches on Google right?
Mal: Zero
Janet Conner: [00:10:01] Not one. Okay. So you not only want me to be your Prayer Artist, I’m your only Prayer Artist? I’m having the time of my life.
Mal: I’m watching you and you are so excited, passionate about all of this. And what I think is so amazing from all of this is, there are two things here that have absolutely exploded your life; the power of prayer and the power of forgiveness. Has absolutely changed the course of your life, the way you do business, the books that you’re going to write, the Intensive that you teach, everything has changed because of those two things.
Janet Conner: Yeah. And they’re really one in the same. I’m not sure I can separate, because if you’re in a state of prayer, real prayer. Okay. Now, if you open the OED, you can kind of see it hiding back there. And that happened because one day in a Prayer Intensive, a woman who had been raised a strict Muslim and had left that practice, I was raised to strict Catholic and I had left that practice, but I was offering these things called Prayer Intensives and the first few I offered were with a Caju in Hawaii, Ka’ala hella and they were on [Inaudible 11:27 – 11:29], talk about a forgiveness prayer.
[00:11:35] And this woman said out of the blue, “I hate that word” and I startled and I said, “Oh, you hate the word prayer?” And she said “I hate that word” and it’s because I’m so grateful that she said it. Because that got me to get up and open the Oxford English Dictionary and look at the definition of prayer. We all hate prayer if prayer is what it says in there, but what it says in there is what patriarchy, whether you call that Judaism, Christianity, Islam, any of the patriarchal religions.
[00:12:13]: They have dictated as they have for so many things what prayer means. You know what it says in there? That prayer is number one supplication. So you’re begging; you are supplicating and begging an external God. They don’t even have to say male God that’s just taken for granted, right? That cranky guy with long white hair, that we all as children; it’s like okay that’s God…
Mal: Will send us to hell.
Janet Conner: Yeah, and then, you know, yeah, so why are you supplicating that cranky guy? Because you’re in deep shit with him and if you’re not a good girl, bad things are going to, you know. And so, we swallowed these horrible stories. So the third part of the definition is, you do your supplication of this external male God [Inaudible 13:05 – 13:06]. I sat here and cried when I got out the OED, and then, I mean how the OED could be wrong, right? But I went in my son’s room and I got out Miriam’s, I got out, found every dictionary I can find in the house. I went online, they all say the same thing. And I think this is when I understood, “oh, this is what you mean about being a Prayer Artist? I have to redefine prayer.”
Mal: And you do it.
Janet Conner: Redefine prayer.
Mal: You are doing it .
Janet Conner: [00:13:33] And I am doing it. So this is how I started though in deep soul writing after reading those definitions, I said, “okay Sofia, you want me to be your Prayer Artist? What patriarchy says in the dictionary is absolutely not true. Every word of that is a lie, it’s not just supplication, and it’s not external. The divine is not external, the divine is right there and she’s not male. And we don’t have to look at the formula and a ritual and a time and words. The patriarchal religions have created the entire thing is a lie. So I said, “So, what’s prayer? Give me a little help here.” And in over about two or three month’s period, I was given four new definitions of Prayer. And there might be more to come but this is where I am at the moment.
[00:14:31] Number one, prayer is a love song. This is a love song, the divine is caressing you, kissing you. It’s just like the most magnificent human relationship you can have. These are love songs. And indeed, the prayers that come through me, I didn’t get this right away, but I would say them out loud because all writers do that. When you’re writing something or at least that’s what I teach that if you’re kind of trying to get the feel for it, you’re not sure if this is really what you want to say, you say it out loud. And then you hear the root of the rhythm. Rhythm for me in writing is a big, big, big deal. So I said my own prayers out loud and I found myself kind of going, “What, wait a second, these are lyrics. Wait, wait these are lyrics, show.” So they really are love songs.
[00:15:30] Number two prayer is medicine, sacred medicine. This is the divine feeding you like a mother hen feeding her babies. Sacred, sacred medicine. So that means real prayer, not the prayer in there, not the prayer I learned as a kid. But real prayer caresses your body, your whole body, it cherishes your body. Well right away, with that definition there go all the patriarchal prayers. Tell me patriarchal prayers to cherish the feminine body? I never heard them.
Mal: Condemn it.
Janet Conner: [Inaudible 16:07] them. So it cherishes your body it embraces your heart, you can feel it, you can feel the divine just muah (kiss) holding male, loving her completely and it blows your mind, it just rearranges your mind. So if you think you can kind of follow along [Inaudible 16:24 – 16:26] that’s words in order that’s not prayer.
[00:16:29] So the third definition, it came as a big surprise to me, it’s a relationship. When you pray, you are in a relationship; (a) with prayer itself, because prayers alive, it’s alive. But you are in a relationship just looks sort of like you’re in a river with everyone who has never prayed. Yeah oh, oh, you’re not alone in your living room saying a prayer, you are in a living relationship with prayer itself. And prayer because it is a human, it is everyone, it’s everywhere.
[00:17:12] Okay and then the fourth definition, I got a little help with. I called my friend Margo Master Marky, who’s the voice of the angels because, you know, if you’re awakened in the middle of night and told you’re a Prayer Artist, you just might like to have a little divine help and so I always have a conversation with the Angels with Margo and with the masters and teachers of the Akashic Record through Laurlyn Bunn. I contacted both of them and said, “we could use a little help with this Prayer Artist thing.” So I asked the Angels for help with prayer. I mean, come on, they’re angels, “couldn’t you tell me what prayer is? Don’t you know?” And they weren’t forthcoming right away which drove me crazy. “Come on, can’t you just tell me?” But finally they took pity on me. Now listen to what they said, they said this over a year ago and I’m just beginning to digest it. They said, it’s the Angels, “prayer is the vibration of love that goes beyond all universes.” Got that? Okay it’s a vibration, okay.
Mal: I can get that.
Janet Conner: I can get that. Okay, everything is vibration, the universe is vibration, color is vibration, light in vibration, numbers are vibration. It’s a vibration of love, only of love. Okay, I can even kind, but now wait a second, because beyond all universes, what universes are we talking about here? In other words can’t you just sort of see it? It’s be, so here you are one little person expressing a prayer out of your heart, out of your mouth, out of your life and somehow that is a vibration of love, even if you don’t feel like you’re coming and it goes and it goes. Now, that has to mean because vibration touches and impacts, so the prayers, I say here are… where are they? What are they doing? See what I mean? This is, anyway those are my definitions of prayer; love songs, sacred medicine, relationship and the vibration of love. That’s not in the OED and in my lifetime it won’t be in the OED but if I do my work, if we all do our work, you know what? In a couple more lifetimes I expect to come back and find the real definitions of prayer.
Mal: Janet, you use a process when you’re doing your soul writing, you talk about getting into Theta which takes you into this place of being in communion with this vibration, in communion with your soul with this writing that you do. Share what you mean by getting into Theta because you have a program opening up in January you know that teaches this but explain a little bit to the audience what you mean by dropping down into Theta.
Janet Conner: [00:20:38]…into Theta because it’s magical. Which at (a) it’s unbelievably magical and I knew nothing about it. So there I am going through this divorce during my daily deep soul writing, following the guidance that I received. My life was completely transformed and that finally did get the attention of a publisher. And they contacted me and at one point gave me a contract to write this book about writing down your soul.
So I’m sitting right here and I go, “Well Houston, what are we going to do here because I can’t write a book about Janet’s story? This is what happened to Janet. Who cares, right? It has to be that here is Janet’s story to simply illustrate a practice that will change your life too.” Well in order to say it’s going to change your life, I needed some sort of, I felt that I needed some sort of scientific explanation. So I started out with Psychology because there is today, over 30 years of research started by Dr. James Pennebaker, the chair of the Psych Department at the University of Texas in Austin. So, it’s not Janet making this up there is 30 years of psychological research on the efficacy of writing, it can change your life. And he wrote a wonderful book that’s quoted in mine, ‘Writing Down Your Soul’. His is called I’m drawing a blank…
Mal: ‘Journaling Workshop’? It’s right over there. I have one of his books, it’s called the ‘Journaling Workshop’.
Janet Conner: Well, he’s written like ten, so in his book, in his research, I found absolute confirmation that the physical practice of journaling, never mind deep soul writing, but journaling has the power to lower your heart rate, reduce depression and even increase the activity and the presence of T-lymphocytes in your body. Now you might not know where the T-lymphocyte is but it’s a big, big, big deal because those are the agents in your body that literally kill cancer cells. This is a good thing. So I read his book and other books by him and I contacted him and we had some email exchanges and okay, psychology can absolutely prove that writing has power.
[00:23:04] But then, you know, I thought there’s something missing here and the next thing that came to me was Candace Pert Molecules of Emotion. She’s the one, she’s one of the talking heads on What the Bleep. She’s the one who discovered that your emotions, positive emotions, negative emotions, anger, jealousy, it doesn’t matter, are not in your head. They’re not in your heart where we have a tendency to think of emotions, they are in every single cell of your body as neuropeptides. And if you can remember that movie? There’s like these funny little cartoon globs of purple globs and green globs and black globs, that’s how the movie Illustrated these neuropeptides in every cell of the body. And then the person would do some pretty stupid things based on the crazy purple neuropeptides. It’s an adorable way to illustrate these, this very profound Nobel quality discovery that she made.
And in her book which is not easy reading, in her book there was just one paragraph, it meant so much to me, I quoted it in ‘Writing Down Your Soul.’ In it she says, when you have a negative experience, a story that you’re holding inside, like our divorces, like cancer, like anything, you are literally squeezing the neuropeptides. Squeeze the carotid artery, who knew right? So what happens is you now don’t have enough food going up to your brain and your frontal cortex becomes useless. You cannot make a new decision, you just keep repeating and repeating and repeating, “yeah well, I’ve lived that,” but who knew that it’s actually because your carotid artery is being squeezed by these negative neuropeptides when you write. Now, I’ve got Psychology and the Biology to support it and I think, you know, I can actually write a book but my gut said, “There’s a third and I had not a clue what the third was.
So you know what I did? Picked up my pen and I said, “DG,” I was still writing to Dear God back then, “DG, DG thank you for the Psychology, thank you for the Neurobiology, I know there’s something else. I don’t know what it is, but you do and I would just like to point out that we’re working under deadlines here.” I have a very intimate, I mean this is not, this is intimate. Anyway, the next day because the Divine works fast, I heard an interview with some consciousness coaches in New York City, who train people to change their lives by changing their brains.
Now I didn’t understand what I was listening to but my stomach went, “you go get them girl.” So, I said [inaudible 00:26:10], can we please have our conversation? And we had this lovely conversation and they said, “Writing is the most effective spiritual practice period.” I mean, “Whoa you’re my people. You are so my big ball.” And so, I somehow, that gave me the courage to open my mouth and say something I had never said to anyone. And I said, “so what does it mean when you are writing, so deeply, so fast, the pen sort of, has an energy all its own and you couldn’t lift it if you wanted to and then something comes to your under the page that you know that you didn’t write?” There’s silence and I think, “Oh God, what have you done Janet? Now these people think you’re crazy.” Because that does sound pretty crazy.
And I was sitting here in panic thinking, “oh do I, like pretend I never said that?” To get the conversation to come back otherwise these people are going to refuse to let me quote them and I wanted that sentence. Writing is the most powerful, spiritual practice on the planet. Well, Robert just needed a minute to take a breath and then out of his mouth, this is one of the most profound moments in my life but I didn’t know it at the time. He said, “Janet, I do not know how you’ve done it, but you have trained yourself to enter Mystical Theta.” Now, I had no idea what that Theta was, never mind Mystical Theta, but I sort of screamed because, “Ah, yeah” And then he realized that I didn’t know anything and that got me started with his help learning about the brain waves.
[00:28:22] So the short kindergarten version is that we spend our days in a very high speed beta, beta, beta with a B. And in our patriarchal systems, education, I mean, we have first graders that have to take in essence because they’re so freaked out about whether or not they’re going to pass some bloody test, right? So this is the beta brain wave state and then you finally get through all of school and you get a job and the corporations are, “get it done, where your goal? [Inaudible 28:47 – 28:48] This is all patriarchy, this is all judgment, judgment, judgment, judgment. Well, that keeps you in the beta brainwaves state and eventually, because I did a lot of research on this, I learned that the brain scientists say, not Janet, the brain scientists say that when you are worried, the second you’re worried, you’re in one brain wave and one brain wave only. That’s proof that you’re in the beta brainwaves state. Well guess what you can do in the beta brainwaves state aside from worry?
Mal: Zero.
Janet Conner: You cannot solve a problem, you can’t think your way to anything, you’re frozen and yet our education systems, corporate systems, religious systems, while you’re supplicating that external God, you’re worried, right? Everything in the first world forces us to constantly stay in beta. Now, if your brainwaves slow down a little bit, you can actually get some work done.
[00:29:48] That’s great and you remember that famous book, I think it was in the 80s called ‘The Zone’. Some Russian scientist I think wrote it but it’s about the Alpha. If you slow your brainwaves down a little bit and there are levels and levels of this, you can actually get some work done. And you can have that experience of looking at the clock and going “where the time go? What it’s eight o’clock, have I eaten yet today?” But in Alpha, you are rearranging so to speak. You’re collating information you already have which is great. You can write a book outline, you can design a course, you can set up a project, it’s all great work but you’re not accessing brand new ideas.
[00:30:48] There was only one brainwave in which would you have access to, call it divine mind, call it creative blueprint, call whatever you want. There’s only one brainwave and it’s called Theta starts with a th, Theta, so it’s not quite as slow as Delta which is sleeping. It’s between 4 & 8 sine wave, 4 & 8 Hertz. This is the juice of being a human being. This is the magic, these are the ideas that shock you. This is being awakened in the middle of night and hearing Prayer Artist. This is being in the shower and downloading the entire outline of a book which happens to me all the time. This is waking up in the morning and seeing, seeing the cover, the title. This is waking up and hearing music. I am not a musician. I mean, not even slightly. They threw me out of choir and because I couldn’t carry a tune and even the piano teacher told my mother, you know, she doesn’t really have to come back anymore. And yet, I’m awakened and given music for the events that I’m creating. Excuse me, that’s only the Theta brainwave stage. So thank you to James Pennebaker for proving that writing is effective, Candace Pert for proving that until you release the negativity that you’re holding in your body, your brain is useless anyway. And then, oh, to the gods that brought me the information. So now, everything I do is about how can we drop into Theta and from there those moments of Mystical Theta. And yeah you mentioned and you’re going to be there for the live…
Mal: It opens up, I forget the date, it opens up
Janet Conner: [00:32:24] January 20th.
Mal: Great
Janet Conner: And it’s called, I love this so much, and mind you, I saw it, I saw the title and the logo for the title in the middle of the night. This is once again Theta, so the title is Theta – The Radical Path of Love Hidden in your Brainwaves. This is who we are, this is how we are wired but patriarchy has not focused on love, patriarchy has focused on performance and winning and me, me, me. You know, set your goal [Inaudible 33:04] and kept you here. Theta is already in your body, it’s already, it’s who you are and how you’re wired. You are this radiant creature of love and love here is a big word. Love is divine love, love is human love, love his family love, love is enduring the work that you’re given to do, love is loving mother earth, love is looking at water and lettuce and love is life. And when we know how to see through Theta eyes, hear through Theta ear, life just gets outrageously delicious. But it’s funny now that I had that interview with the Colts, the name of the couple in New York in 2007, because I turned in the manuscript, yeah at the end of 2007. So it’s only 12 years later, that I really am coming into the, I shouldn’t say the full bloom because there’s always more, but now I’m really on fire to give everybody. But it does seem like women come first. Women get this. Come with me and play in the Mystical Theta brainwave state, it’s like the juiciest sandbox on the planet and this is how we’re going to embed love in the world. This is how we change the world.
Mal: So, I know that the Intensive is up on your site, so people could go up there and sign up. Also you have some resources on your site and you were going to give us a brief description on one of those and how they can get it. I mean you have so much up there but you kind of picked a special one.
Janet Conner: [00:34:57] Yeah and more to come, more to come. Yeah I had, that’s the other thing had to change. When you become a Prayer Artist, I contacted my web designer and she said, “you need all the entire new webpage, sorry.” So we had to start over with, it’s still Janet Conner my name, Janet but I, because it’s not all about prayer, if you click on across the main navigation bar, Prayer Resources, that’s kind of a taste. And there are various little videos including there’s one on Ho’oponopono and Ho’oponopono you want an outrageous prayer, you want a prayer that will change you.
Mal: Beautiful.
Janet Conner: And it’s ancient, you know, these great…That’s patriarchal prayer that’s just what we’ve had for 5,000 years. If we go pre patriarchy which means getting into the indigenous prayer practices, you discover first of all, that the divine has always been feminine, and the prayer practices are so, they’re just radiant with love and forgiveness and inclusion. And Ho’oponopono is so ancient that it wasn’t even written, you know, it comes from an ancient Hawaiian indigenous oral tradition. And aren’t we blessed that Kahuleihela is our guide and she is a Shaman in Hawaii. And so there’s several places that you can explore.
[00:36:25] Let’s just start with Ho’oponopono, go to Janet, click on Prayer Resources and you can scroll down and find a video on Ho’oponopono with the [Inaudible 36:37]. But then if you really want to experience it, when I saw earlier this year, Zette in America, we have created an entire prison system, we call it the immigration detention centers but excuse me these are American concentration camps based on racism. And I was actually awakened in the middle of the night and yelled at “Prayer Artist, Prayer Artist, you call yourself a Prayer Artist, do something.” And there was a swear word in there too, “do something.” I’m like, “okay” and I’m obedient and I went to work and created and my web designer and my magnificent virtual assistant, everybody stopped what they were doing including Lahela and she made four videos with me. [Inaudible 37:28] And the prayer practice is called “They are all our children.”
Mal: And it’s Beautiful, it’s really beautiful
Janet Conner: So if you go to my main home page Janet Connor there’s like these little buttons, you just press the button that says “They are all our children” and that’s a deep dive into Ho’oponopono. And join us please because we are cutting these negative patriarchal Hakka Cords on the people who put the immigrants in these prisons and that’s the only way this is going to end. Now this seems like paradoxical. You are actually praying for the oppressor but that’s why you have to look at Ho’oponopono. This is very, very, very deep prayer that actually frees people from their racism, from their anger, from their, and that’s how we will finally end this concentration camp system in the United States – They are all our children. So and now, you can play around and you can subscribe to the Sunday notes from the field, so you always know there’s a lot.
Mal: There’s a lot
Janet Conner: There’s a lot.
Mal: There’s a lot there. I know there’s a lot there. My beautiful friend, thank you so much for this. And for not being afraid to step into those shoes of being a Prayer Artist. If you had said, “no” what would we all be doing?
Janet Conner: Well I’ll leave you with, let me see if I can find it quickly, there is a short, because some of my prayers are not so short. But one day I was sitting outside, let me see if I can find it, because I don’t have this one, some of them I have memorized but not all of them. I was sitting outside doing my deep soul writing and I looked up and the strangest thing was happening. I’m in Florida, so the palm fronds were kind of wafting in the breeze, and they were, they look like they were clamping. It’s like how was that possible? How does this wind do that? And I was just noticing, I wasn’t doing anything but I then put my hand back down on the page and this short sweet prayer called “Yes” which I’m still, you see I’ve got prayers. I got prayers, what can I say. Here it is, it’s short and this is not, all my prayers it’s important to understand. Yeah they come through me but they’re not for me. So listeners, listen to this and see if this isn’t something awakening in you.
[00:40:10] It’s called “Yes”.
Something is being awakened in me. I hear silent love songs and know they are mine.
I see whole performances in the hour before dawn, and know this is what I am to do.
I hear these prayers. The words wash right through me and I am moved.
The palm fronds applaud, the osprey scream, “Encore”
The squirrels relish my distraction. I sit in the garden and whisper, “Yes, yes beloved yes. I am willing to become your prayer.”
Mal: Thank you so much for that. Thank you. Bless you. It’s wonderful. Wow! What a way to end a show. I just, I’m speechless. Yeah
Janet Conner: It is perfect to end with a “Yes” because that’s really it. The Divine is kissing you on the cheek, she’s speaking to you right now. All we have to do, all we have to do is say yes.
Mal: I hope that everyone listening will Yes to…
Janet Conner: to love. Say yes to love.
Mal: Say yes to love. Thank you Janet. Bless you.
[00:00:33] Introduction about Janet Conner and her Radio Show.
[00:02:22] How Janet touched and inspired Mal’s life.
[00:03:19] Janet Conner explaining what inspired her and the Divine Feminine.
[00:04:26] Janet starting her journal.
[00:07:14] Janet writing the Prayer of Forgiveness.
[00:07:57] Birth of becoming and Author and the call to become a Prayer Artist.
[00:08:27] The name change from Dear God to Beloved Vibration of Sophia.
[00:09:03] Firs prayer written as a Prayer Artist.
[00:10:01] Trying to find the definition of a Prayer Artist and realizing there was no definition.
[00:11:30] An experience with a woman who hated the word prayer.
[00:12:13] Patriarchal definition of the word prayer in the Oxford English Dictionary.
[00:13:33] Redefining the word prayer as a Prayer Artist.
[00:14:31] First definition of the word prayer – Prayer is a Love Song.
[00:15:30] Second definition of the word prayer – Prayer is medicine, sacred medicine.
[00:16:29] Third definition of the word prayer – Prayer is a relationship.
[00:17:12] Fourth definition of the word prayer – Prayer is a vibration of love that goes beyond all universes.
[00:20:38] What it is to get in Theta? And sharing an experience of Mystical Theta.
[00:23:04] Explanation of Candace Pert Molecules of Emotion.
[00:28:22] When you worry you are in one state of brainwaves and that is all you can do in that state – worry.
[00:29:48] The Zone book explaining Alpha.
[00:30:48] The brainwaves called Theta.
[00:32:24] The date for Mystical Thea seminar is January 20. It’s called Theta – Radical Path of Love Hidden in your Brainwaves.
[00:34:57] Change of webpage to and addition of Prayer Resources – Ho’oponopono.
[00:40:10] Performing the “Yes” Prayer.