Do You Need Some Extra Goodies in Your Spiritual Toolbox?
I don’t know about you but I’m feeling energetically overwhelmed by all the press and social media that is creating so much fear in all of us. I question if some of this is politically motivated?
We do have a serious outbreak of a new virus, however, becoming gripped by fear isn’t going to help you or those around you.
How do you stay centered, maintain balance and relative positivity in the whirlwind of negative energy and being housebound?
My meditation practice is my foundation for balance when I’m caught in the throes of unmetabolized fear. However, I’m using some other tools to strengthen my resolve and help my immune system.
I’ve been doing daily applications of doTerra OnGuard oil as well as an immunity blend, I got at a holistic market. I’m also utilizing red jasper and black tourmaline for grounding my energy as well as amethyst and smokey quartz for protection. I put them out in the sun or under a full moon to charge them up again.
Most importantly, I am limiting my online time and TV time, so I don’t become buried underneath all the negative energy being projected at us.
Some suggestions for you on steps you can utilize to stabilize your emotions right now:
- Make No Judgements: Most people including the government are doing the best they can.
- Challenges are a form of spiritual direction. Is this virus a huge wakeup call for the planet?
- Make conscious choices-do what will help you and those you love.
- Surrender to what you cannot change! Resistance only delays getting on the other side.
- Now might be the perfect time for you to dabble in some crystals and oils. Having a few goodies in your toolbox couldn’t do any harm.
This week’s I have the most perfect guest on Awakening Divine Wildness, Margaret Ann Lembo to help you clear your energy and care for yourself.
I think of her as the Queen of Crystals. She has written eight bestselling books on the topic, including my favorite Chakra Awakening: Transform Your Reality Using Crystals, Color, and Aromatherapy.
You may want to order this book ASAP. Margaret Ann has some great ideas on how to get started and what to look for in picking crystals.
Sending you blessings and healthy vibes!
Listen to the Awakening Divine Wildness podcast by clicking the play button on the audio player below.
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Mal Duane Interviews Margaret Ann Lembo, Crystal, Aromatherapy and Angels Communication Expert
Mal: Well, it’s not every week that I get to interview an expert, but I got to tell you, this week’s guest, whew, man does she know a lot. I am so happy to introduce you to Margaret Ann Lembo. [00:28] She’s the owner of the Crystal Garden in Florida, the Conscious Living Store and Center, which is located in Palm Beach, in the Southeast section of Florida, and she opened that store in 1988. For over 30 years, she’s led workshops and classes around the country and Canada. Margaret Ann is a highly renowned expert for her dedication to helping people focus on mindfulness and positive thought. She’s written eight books, five affirmation Oracle decks and nine spoken audio programs, you can visit her on her website She’s the creator of a line of award-winning aroma, energetic sprays, including smudges spray, which I love. I bought the Palo Santo, I love it. And the seven chakra sprays. She’s an author, a spiritual entrepreneur, a practitioner, and an aromatherapist. And her store is the, we can go in and shop online. I’ve ordered lots of crystals from this lady and they are wonderful. Margaret Ann, thank you girl, you are so busy and I so appreciate you taking time to get on the show.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Well, I appreciate you having me on the show. It’s an honor and a privilege, thank you.
Mal: Well, I have to be honest, you have written one of my favorite books and I use it as like a reference Bible. I love it so much, I picked it up and already shipped it to California. So I know it would be their safe and sound with my reference books. And that book is ‘Chakra Awakening: Transform your reality using crystals, color, aromatherapy, and the power of positive thinking.’ And ladies, if you don’t have a copy of this, you’ve got to go get it. It has everything in it that you would want to know.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Wow! Thank you. That’s awfully nice of you. Let’s see, I have a demo deck, I should say demo copyright here, since 2011.
Mal: Wonderful.
Margaret Ann Lembo: So I’m happy. This is my first book.
Mal: Well, you’ve got, I know more books coming this year, another Oracle deck. I don’t know how you have time to do all this. And that book for someone like myself who loves Chakra work, it’s like a Bible. I mean, it just had so much content in it. I was like over the moon reading it.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Wow.
Mal: So I need to know how did you get started on this path of crystals and oils and angels and positive thinking. I mean, it’s vast what you do.
Margaret Ann Lembo: [03:18] Well, I love to tell this story and I was blessed as a young girl to have this information shared with me as really young. I would say six to eight years old was the beginning of the power of positive thought teachings. My family, in general, are all positive thinkers. They’re happy people and so that’s a very good thing. But I also had a mentor in my life and introduced me to the world of the magic of believing through a book called ‘The Magic of Believing’ by Claude Bristol. Plus, he also introduced me to the idea of metaphysics. So, that started at a very young age and even earlier than that, I was introduced to the angelic realm. Because I grew up with angels, I would believe that my own brother was an angel because he had passed away before I was born. And so for me, I was related to an angel and plus I was brought up in Catholicism and so it was very normal to make room on your chair, to let your guardian angel sit on your side and be with you all the time. And so, as life moved on, life changed and I still kept all those belief systems. I continue to use the power of positive thought. Even when I was a mortgage banker, I would share the information with my own staff members.
[04:53] And then the crystal part, I can share quickly which is about 1985, around there, I had some, I was still a mortgage banker then, I had some friends of mine that were going to start getting rocks in Arkansas. And they asked me if I wanted to be a silent partner. Well, if you know anything about me, there’s nothing silent about Margaret and, right? And so I was blessed to start a, you know, be part of this very small business. And we started getting rocks from Arkansas going on crystal trips and such, started almost like, you know, remember Tupperware parties where you’d go to people’s homes with the goods? We did it that way in people’s living rooms. Isn’t that wild?
Mal: Love it. Why don’t people do it now? I would go to a crystal party in a heartbeat.
Margaret Ann Lembo: It’s actually a fun idea, it really is. And then it evolved, you know, like the stock market crashed in 1987 and I was in senior management and banking at that time. And so I had to recreate myself at that point. I didn’t know, you know, I had to do something other than be a banker. I could have gone back into the industry, but it would have taken a long time. So, I opened my store, The Crystal Garden. In the meantime, I’m sitting here in my angel room at The Crystal Garden and from that it just continued to evolve and this is what I’m meant to be, I’m supposed to be doing this.
Mal: So, you started with angels and then you got into the crystals and then you incorporated oils into all of this.
Margaret Ann Lembo: [06:33] Yeah. I forgot to mention the oil part. Yes. So when I was a mortgage banker, there was a little kiosk in the center, you know, like a mall in the Buyin Boca, and that company is still around, they still exist. But I learned from them early on, that was early eighties. And I started purchasing essential oils and reading and getting familiar. And then I started carrying essential oils at my store. And you know, you get to know essential oils, kind of like I got to know plants. I have a very strong affinity for gardening which is also why the name of my store is The Crystal Garden named after, in a way, the secret garden, which is the gardening of your soul, you know. And so, as time went on, I got to know my essential oils. I trained with a naturopathic physician to be certified as an enrollment therapist. And I started, you know, getting divinely inspired with our blends, some onto, my first blend really was a euphoria, I think it was? No, it was Aunty M’s Anti Disinfecting Oil, which I made for a friends of mine who couldn’t kick a respiratory challenge. And so I put together, I concocted something and that one I did based on, you know, aromatherapy knowledge. But future blends, I really just got so lucky. And angels, I feel like it’s the angels who knows, but I the angelic realm or the guides of the aromatherapy world, give me ideas on what blends to create. And I retain, write it down right away. I’d go into my office, put them together and before you know it, I have such a very large, pretty large line of aromatherapy products that are sold worldwide now.
Mal: Wonderful. So how did you connect the chakras to the crystals with the oils, with color and everything to create this incredible book and the work that you do and the workshops that you do and for the audience? Margaret’s on Facebook, she’s got a book club that goes live every week. She’s got crystal shows going on, all kinds of activities. I’m always in and out watching, I love it. How did you connect all of that and put it all together to do the teachings you do?
Margaret Ann Lembo: [09:07] You know, as I was writing ‘Chakra Awakening’, more and more information was being revealed to me and it became clear that a gemstone has the vibration. It has a color first, it has a color that’s associated with the chakra system. So let’s say a gemstone, here’s an easy one, so amethyst or even rose quartz, any of the quartz family. So they have a color associated and that color has a meaning because I also worked with color therapy while I was a banker too. We used to draw, I used to teach that to my staff too back then because color has a vibration. So if you understand the vibration of colors and relation to the chakras as well, then it makes sense then what gemstone matches. So if you’d working with the color purple, then amethyst, pink rose quartz, and you don’t always have to know the rock, but more the vibration of the color and potentially the information about the chakra.
So if you were saying a amethyst, which has to do with intuition and higher knowledge and connecting with the divine, then you got some information, right? Yep, the third eye center, the crown center, you know, and then there’s also the idea of that it’s very good. Amethyst is great for transforming and transmuting challenges. And so that also vibrates similar to Saint Germaine and the violent flame and so that has to do with alchemy. And so then you keep going and then you say, “Okay, well what essential oil blends might work for helping to shift people’s consciousness?” And then from there create a formula that would help. And I do have a Saint Germaine spray. I have, you know, things that I actually created sprays because of the realization that have gemstone tinctures inside of them as well.
Mal: Amazing. I mean, I was just so impressed
Margaret Ann Lembo: Aww.
Mal: By the amount of information in that book, I was like, how did this lady connect all of this? And the way you teach it in the book and lay it out, it’s so organized and `, and so informative.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Thank you.
Mal: So for someone starting out, who’s pretty clueless about chakras, oils, crystals, how would you get them started? What would be the best way to get started?
Margaret Ann Lembo: Well, if you are talking about like if you wanted to start like a collection of stones, or are you just talking…?
Mal: Collections and some oils and maybe doing some energy work for themselves and just understanding. How would you get them started in that process? There’s got to be a beginner point for everyone.
Margaret Ann Lembo: [12:00] There is, you know, like I find a lot of value in meditation and people go, “Oh, meditation, I can’t meditate.” You know, a lot of people have that reaction and so that’s why I offer the meditations often on Facebook. But even to be quiet and contemplative, that’s a start, you know, it’s just to just to stop, let everything get integrated into your consciousness because so much happens in one given day. Then if you want, I recommend maybe just one stone for each chakra, that’s a nice way to start. You know, you could get up, let’s say a red jasper at the root chakra or a black tourmaline, you could do, so that’s red energy. And then your orange, you could get the at the naval or sacred chakra cornelian. A solar plexus, you could get a citrine, which is a yellow quartz. At the heart center, green, [Inaudible 12:56] or pink tourmaline because that’s a green or pink vibration. The throat center turquoise, like the color behind me and the shirt I’m wearing, so even a turquoise stone or a turquoise colored stone. And at the third eye, maybe a lapis lazuli or an amethyst that I already mentioned. And that the crown center, you could use clear quartz. And clear quartz, if you wanted to get just one rock, maybe just get a clear quartz because that carries the full spectrum of light as well, so that’s battery beneficial to do it that way.
Mal: On the clear quartz, there’s different shapes for quartz and there’s a single pointed end, double pointed end, so it does that make a huge difference for someone starting out what they pick?
Margaret Ann Lembo: [13:45] I don’t think so. I think they can just get a quartz point or if they find a cluster, but it could be a good start r just a crystal point is fine. And they could, you can find them very inexpensively too. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, and that does carry the full spectrum of light, and they’re very easily programmable with love and wellbeing, you know? That’s why if you want programming something, I would suggest love and wellbeing.
Mal: So now, you’ve brought up another topic, how do you program a stone?
Margaret Ann Lembo: [14:16] Well you know, I was fortunate enough to meet with Marcel Vogel many years ago, who was, have you heard of him?
Mal: Oh yes.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Senior research scientist with IBM for many years, and he’s well known for a liquid crystal display and phosphorus and paint and so much more, so much more. But to go on, he’s the one that brought to my awareness that one of the easiest ways to clear and program your crystals is with your breath and your intention. So if you form an intention of clearing and hold the gemstone on the inhalation, you form the intent and then when you exhale forcefully through your nose, you can like pulse breath is what he calls it, pulse the real breath and insert that energy and tend that energy into the gemstone, which it’s very important for me to bring up the intention. [15:16] Because people are like, “well, how does this crystal work? Why does the crystal do this?” Its like, “No, the crystal is not some magical creature.” I mean, it’s a lovely thing, it’s a beautiful thing, I love gemstones, obviously. But it’s our intention that’s really creating our reality. And then it’s the gemstone that is helping us to stay mindful and put our attention on what we do want, not what we don’t want. And that’s the key to almost anything is to be able to imagine and visualize our reality as we want it to be.
Mal: And can we use crystals and oils to help with that manifestation process? Because everything is law of attraction and so can you use the stones and oils for that process?
Margaret Ann Lembo: [16:08] Yes, and I’ve written multiple books. The pile is right next to me right here, but so if you wanted to look it up, you could go to like ‘The Essential Guide to Aroma Therapy and Vibrational Healing’, which is another title of mine. And or even ‘The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones’. I’m not sure if I put the aroma therapy in that one, but there is always a list of matching gemstones available in almost all of my books to help you, ‘Gemstones and Aroma Therapy’, use them in conjunction with each other. So you’re using your olfactory senses as well as your visual, the sight, as well as your mind. The intention may be adding the emotion that goes with it to imagine and therefore create your reality. It is all those things combined together keep you focused on what it is that you’re trying to create. Because if you don’t stay focused on what you want and you’re using up all your energy on all these other things, then no, it’s not going to happen.
Mal: Do you recommend like a daily practice of maybe working with oils and crystals as a part of somebody’s spiritual practice? I mean, I’ve been meditating for 30 years, it’s really the foundation of my morning and my spiritual practice, and I’m not 100% disciplined. There are days where I don’t get to it, but most of the time I do because it just puts me in the right place.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Right.
Mal: Yeah. It’s just so soothing and I get so much clarity and wisdom when I meditate. I get downloads of information that’s just so helpful. I have crystals all around me and oils. I’m always using rollers. I love several of your sprays that I have. So what would be a good way to incorporate some stones and some oils into, say a morning practice?
Margaret Ann Lembo: [18:10] Okay. So let’s say you have a collection of stones or just a few, but if you want and you have an essential oil or two or spray. So you just, like you mentioned, it sounds like you’re doing exactly what I’m going to recommend, which is, you know, you can establish an intention, “Okay, I’m going to pause. I’m going to get contemplative. I’m going to meditate for a few moments here.” Even five to 10 minutes is as amazingly productive for a refocusing and bringing balance into our lives, you know. Sometimes people can consider, “Oh, I have to sit in meditation for 20 minutes, half an hour, an hour.” Well, if you can do that, and if you have the time and blast, well do it. But maybe five or 10 minutes is all that’s available to you or anybody who’s watching this. So take that few moments, I would probably grab like my smudge and spray and give myself a little one, two.
Mal: And you use that for like clearing your space, a smudge and spray?
Margaret Ann Lembo: [19:11] To clear your space.
Mal: A lot of people don’t know what smudging is but it’s to clear your space. Yep.
Margaret Ann Lembo: But like this way, you’re not having to burn anything. You could do this in a hotel room.
Mal: Yes.
Margaret Ann Lembo: But the idea behind that is, is that so now you’ve incorporated the olfactory senses and you take an action to clear the energy. I’m clearing away what is no longer for my highest good and this particular spray is to replace that energy with love and wellbeing because there’s Holy water in there too. And so, and then from there, you know, taking some deep breaths following, I find it extremely effective as you probably well know, it’s just start by observing the breath, the inhalation and the exhalation. And just keep focusing on observing your body, breathing in and breathing out. And that helps tremendously to shift your energy. Now, I’d probably, because of the way I do things, I would probably use like one of my decks of cards and pull a card for the day.
Mal: Yup. I’m glad you mentioned your cards because you’ve got several decks and I wanted to talk about those as well.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Yeah, [20:18] So, let’s say here, I just pulled the soda light, so maybe life hasn’t been that great, I’m just making this up and so the one side of the card shows the gemstone, so that will help me, give me something to focus on. I can put it in front of me and lean it there. And while I’m doing meditation and when I opened my eyes, I could look at that and it’s like, “No, all is well.” And I can read the affirmation. I sail through life on calm, nurturing waters. I’m at peace with myself and the world around me. So even establishing a statement, you can even take this and bring it with you for the day. Or if you have soda light, put it in your pocket, put it in your bra, you know, put it in your pillow case when you’re going to sleep at night. Right? And then the other side. Because all my decks are two sided, I figure more information is better. And so the other side is intention; release, anger, increase harmony, reduce inflammation, improve inner knowing and calm. And you can breathe on each one of these and focus on each one of these and increase mental clarity and emotional balance. So with these statements, you can just pause and think about each one of these and how that relates to your life. And usually when you pull a card, at least from my decks, I’m sure it happens with everybody stacks, I believe, it’s just so right on in the moment.
It’s like, you know, so I’ve been having some physical inflammation lately and so this applies to me, you know. And even though I’m doing an interview in this moment, it’s still applies to what I need right now in my life. Not so much, thank goodness I’m not angry.
Mal: That Jack deck of cards, so you have the crystal and the affirmation on one side. And it sounds like you have all the things that that crystal can do, the benefits of working with that crystal on the other side.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Essentially, yes. A short version of that because it goes in much greater detail and ‘The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones but its ‘The Crystal Intention Oracle’. But I have others that are based on angels and jump and archangels and masters, mystics and saints and animals.
Mal: How did you learn about, say, animals and the mystics and the saint? How did you pull all this in?
Margaret Ann Lembo: [22:35] Okay, so I’ll answer the mystics and saints first. So, I grew up Catholic, so I…
Mal: I did too.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Did you?
Mal: I didn’t get that knowledge curl, I’m going to be right up front.
Margaret Ann Lembo: [22:47] Well, you know, I don’t have it memorized, I look things up, you know, and I love Google. But I had a lot of experiences of sitting in church on many days where I contemplate the picture is on the walls and the stations of the cross and the murals in my particular church was fantastic, they were beautiful. And I remember they even had a mural of Saint Margaret that I’m named after, because of her affinity with the sacred heart. She started the devotion to the sacred heart. So it shows her having an apparition of Jesus, the Christ, you know, it’s just beautiful. So it impacted me in a very spiritual way. Some people didn’t have a great Catholic experience, I was blessed that I did, you know, thank you very much. And so the bits and pieces of the different saints, I captured during the days that I was growing up. I had 12 years of Catholic school, so that’s a long time in Catholic school.
[24:01] And then the animal part, now that was because when I got into creating the crystal garden, I was so interested in and still am in native American spirituality. And I did a lot of studying and I enjoy immensely the medicine cards by Jamie Sams and the sacred path cards by her. And even, so blessed to have met Ted Andrews, and I don’t know if you noticed, but I dedicated my first book to Ted.
Mal: Well, I have a little book about animal totems.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Yes.
Mal: The pocket guide.
Margaret Ann Lembo: The pocket guide. Yes. And so over the years, but he came here in person to The Crystal Garden, and I also met with him right before I was getting my book published and he introduced me to my first publisher, Llewellyn Worldwide. So anyway, he taught me a lot about animals through his books, animals speak, animal wise, and so then I realized everything has and I always say this, when I teach a class, I almost always bring it up during interviews like this, “Everything is energy. Everything has a vibration.” And if everything has energy and everything has a vibration, then there’s going to be matching vibrations. So pick a card, any card. Dolphin, perfect, we’ll pick this one. So dolphin, blue side, it looks like the ocean. You know, sometimes it looks like, let’s do another one just for the fun of it. Stromatolite that’s pretty wild, right? I see that gemstone, earthworm.
Mal: Ooh. Almost the same color.
Margaret Ann Lembo: And also that stromatolite, it does look like there are earthworm is creating, you know, pathways, right? But those also has to do about unearthing, and there’s some ancient fossils included within stromatalite which helps us to go underground into our subconscious to understanding ourselves, co there’s always a correlation in that regard. Until, you know, when I wrote my book, ‘The Essential Guide, Your Crystals, Minerals, and Stones’, I didn’t want to copy what other authors had written about crystals. So I stopped reading a long time ago, other people’s work, because I don’t want to accidentally plagiarize something, you know, I want it to be coming through me. But I did research on a geology, from a geological level, it’s like, well, if this has calcium in it, then this could potentially be beneficial for the bone structure of the human being. Or, you know, or if this has a combination of all these different minerals, then I’d look up with the minerals were good for, and then see how that gemstone relates to the chakra system physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. It’s just makes sense, it takes a little research, I mean, I did research things. It’s not like I just, everything didn’t just, I wasn’t blessed to have all the things downloaded, especially with the animals. The animals took a lot of research and while right before we connected, I was actually sitting here reading my own book going, “wow, I wrote this so fast, I don’t remember of some of the stuff that I wrote.
Mal: I think you have more products; books, store, cards, oils out there than anybody else I think I’ve ever interviewed. It’s just massive and you’re…
Margaret Ann Lembo: Oh really?
Mal: Wonderful and to do business with you is a sheer pleasure.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Oh good, thank you.
Mal: I’m ordering my crystals, I had some special ones I wanted after reading your book and made a little list and I ordered them. And I got the Palo Santo spray and it was, oh it’s heavenly.
Margaret Ann Lembo: That is good stuff that Palo Santo, it’s really high quality.
Mal: You can’t burn something sometimes where you are.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Yeah.
Mal: You’re on the move, you’re traveling. You don’t want to be burning something in a hotel or somebody’s house, so that’s spray I love, it;s just, oh, it’s wonderful.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Good.
Mal: Margaret, you have, Margaret and excuse me, you have a lovely free offer on your website for the audience. Why don’t you tell them about it?
Margaret Ann Lembo: [28:20] Well, you know, I’ve been contemplating which of my meditation CDs do I want to gift everyone. And I think the one that is going to be applicable is the color of meditation; Align your chakras. And so it’s my very first CD that I created, and it’s an MP3 format, so that you can just download it right into your computer or your phone. And what it is, is about 20 minutes worth of meditation to balance and align your chakras using the colors of the rainbow. And it’s very helpful. A lot of people have gotten great benefit from it.
Mal: Wonderful. I am so happy that we finally got to do this because you were busy then caught up with some things and so this is just been a sheer joy to have you on today.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Well, thank you.
Mal: I can’t thank you enough.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Thank you so much.
Mal: And I look forward to, was it week days that you’re normally on with your book club? Is it Mondays?
Margaret Ann Lembo: Every, yes. Lately I’ve been doing it every other Monday, so at 12 noon Eastern time. We’re doing the meditation. So when you moved to California, that’s 9:00 AM right? With the time change. And then I do a gemstone Oracle, that’s what I’ve been doing, which is so much fun at 1:00PM Eastern time where I do use all five decks and pull the cards.
Mal: I know, I’ve watched that a couple of times. It’s been terrific.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Good.
Mal: Thank you again, Margaret Ann, I have thoroughly enjoyed this, and you’re just such a talented, talented woman.
Margaret Ann Lembo: Well, you’re very complimentary. Thank you so much.
Mal: Thank you. Bye
Margaret Ann Lembo: Bye. .
[00:28] Introduction of the Guest Speaker Margaret Ann Lembo
[03:18] Margaret spoke about how she started on the path of crystals, angels, oils and positive thinking. First she spoke about the angels, being a Catholic and growing up with the teachings of Catholism. And secondly her mentor who introduced her to the book, ‘The Magic of Believing.’
[04:53] Margaret spoke about her experiences with crystals and positive thinking. She was asked by a group of friends to be a silent partner in a business in Arkansas where they would collect trips and she was invited to go on a crystal trip with them. From there she became interested in crystals and their meanings.
[06:33] Margaret also spoke about how her interested was peaks in oils and being divinely inspired with their blends. She researched and became familiar with their blends even creating her own. She incorporated all 3 together with the chakras and mediating and what it all means.
[09:07] Margaret spoke about how she connects the crystals, with the oils and she mentioned that as she was writing ‘Chakra Awakening’, more and more information was being revealed to her and it became clear that a gemstone has the vibration. It has a color first, it has a color that’s associated with the chakra system.
[12:00] Margaret spoke about how you would get someone started in the process. She stated that first you have to find value in meditation. And then depending on your mood, there would be a stone that is integrated into your consciousness because so much happens in one given day. Then she recommends maybe just one stone for each chakra. For example, a red jasper at the root chakra or a black tourmaline, that’s red energy.
[13:45] Margaret explains that a crystal point doesn’t really matter, as long as it’s programmable with love and wellbeing.
[14:16] Margaret explains how the crystals are programmed. It was Marcel Vogel who brought the awareness and the easiest way to program a gem/crystals. This can be done by forming an intention of clearing and hold the gemstone on the inhalation, you form the intent and then when you exhale forcefully through your nose, you can like pulse breath is what he calls it, pulse the real breathe and insert that energy and tend that energy into the gemstone.
[15:16] Margaret explains that it’s our intention that’s really creates our reality and then it’s the gemstone that is helping us to stay mindful and put our attention on what we do want, not what we don’t want. And that’s the key to almost anything is to be able to imagine and visualize our reality as we want it to be.
[16:08] Margaret uses the stones and oils for that intent process by making reference to a few of her books like ‘The Essential Guide to Aroma Therapy and Vibrational Healing’ list matching gemstones are used in conjunction with aroma therapy. She mentions olfactory senses as well as your visual, the sight, as well as your mind by adding the emotion that goes with it to imagine and therefore create your reality.
[18:10] Margaret explains how to incorporate oils and crystal in your morning practice or meditation.
[09:11] Margaret further plains the incorporation by mentioning smudging as a way of clearing the air around you instead of burning incense and other fragrances that may cause attention or may not be allowed in external environment such as hotel rooms or family dwellings.
[20:18] Margaret speaks about her many deck of cards
[22:35] Margaret explains how she incorporated the mystics, saint and animals in the chakra system.
[22:47] Margaret highlights how the saints and mystic are incorporated by researching and through experiences of sitting in church on many days where she would contemplate the picture is on the walls and the stations of the cross and the murals in my particular church was fantastic, they were beautiful.
[24:01] She continued to by explaining the animal part and her interest in native American spirituality. And I did a lot of studying and I enjoy immensely the medicine cards by Jamie Sams and the sacred path cards by her. She continued to say that the animals took a lot of research but she had to do it a she wanted to know so much more.
[28:20] Margaret invited every one of her free offer on her website
[29:15] Margaret informed the listeners of her date and time of her book club and her oracle and meditation.