Progress is like a spiritual path. It requires determination and faith. You are confronted with choices, so make them wisely. It also requires patience which most people are not good at. Everyone wants instant gratification. As humans, you need to slow down. Divine power does not work quickly. It is a huge lesson to learn. You seek nothing today? Many surprises await you. Start your day knowing that you are blessed. You should proceed in comfort. Your dreams are in progress. How cool is that. Go now.
Mal Duane is a certified Personal Life Coach with more than 23 years in recovery from alcoholism, who has overcome devastating life challenges using the steps in the Alpha Chick Process. Her personal mission is to help women excel in all areas of their lives from business to personal relationships and attract that which they most desire, as she has, through a connection to the divine power within. Her book Alpha Chick, Five Steps for Moving from Pain to Power is coming in February 2012.
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I hope you will be a regular visitor.